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Fishery Science Workshop

Chris McHan, Fisheries Training and Outreach

Gulf of Maine Research Institute


February 9, 2017

The Marine Resources Education Program (MREP) Southeast is formally inviting applications for all individuals interested in attending the 2017 Fisheries Science and Management workshops in Tampa-St. Petersburg, Florida.

MREP Southeast is for anyone with a vested interest in federally managed marine fish from Texas to North Carolina. The workshop-based program specifically runs through the fisheries science and management processes, demystifies the acronyms and vocabulary, and equips fishermen with the tools to engage with tough issues facing the managers of our offshore fisheries. MREP provides a neutral setting away from contentious management issues for fishermen to work through the ‘how’ of the whole process, meet the people behind agency jobs, and share important feedback from the fishing community.

The program is offered as a series of workshops that build upon each other: a three-day Fishery Science Workshop followed by a three-day Fishery Management Workshop:

  • Fishery Science Workshop    May 2-4, 2017
    Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, St. Petersburg, FL
  • Fishery Management Workshop      September 19-21, 2017
    Westin Tampa Bay, Tampa, FL

Workshop presenters include NOAA Fisheries Regional Office and Science Center, the Fishery Management Councils, research institutions, and the fishing community. Workshops are designed and held as a collaborative effort, and they always provide for an industry moderator to help inject questions and keep the discussion real. Participants leave the workshops prepared to engage confidently in fishery management and better understand the science affecting their fishery.

Apply Now! Interested individuals can find more information, including the application, at www.gmri.org/mrepsoutheast and by viewing the flyer below: