FWC again allowing campfires in managed areas
For immediate release: July 19, 2011
Contact: Wendy Dial, 850-488-9477
FWC again allowing campfires in managed areas
Because recent rains improved dry conditions across the state, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), in cooperation with the Florida Division of Forestry, has rescinded an executive order issued last month that prohibited campfires in wildlife management areas, wildlife and environmental areas and all other lands it manages.
Campfires are again allowed in designated areas. For rules and regulations pertaining to individual wildlife management areas, please visit MyFWC.com/Hunting and click on “WMA brochures”.
While the campfires are allowed, the FWC wants to remind everyone how important it is to properly manage any campfire to ensure it is under control and completely extinguished when done.