FWC K-9 sniffs out accused lobster poacher at Miami marina
For immediate release: May 18, 2011
Contact: Gabriella B. Ferraro, 772-215-9459
FWC K-9 sniffs out accused lobster poacher at Miami marina
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) K-9 Gauge used his keen sense of smell to alert officers that an illegal catch was onboard a vessel. Gauge, a 3-year-old black Labrador certified in wildlife detection, sniffed out 15 undersized lobster tails and other illegal catch hidden inside a boat’s console during a recent joint law enforcement detail at the Blackpoint Marina in Miami-Dade County.
On May 7, FWC officers were inspecting boats returning to the marina. During one inspection, Gauge indicated that there was something suspicious in the boat’s center console. Officers opened the console door and found a canvas bag with lobster tails sticking out. Officers inventoried the contents of the bag and found 15 undersized spiny lobster tails, three undersized red grouper, three punctured blue crabs and 11 undersized hogfish.
Orlando Guerra (DOB 09/22/50) of Miami is facing eight misdemeanor charges.
“The FWC is fortunate to have three K-9 teams in South Florida,” said Lt. Jay Marvin, who organized the detail. “The specially trained K-9s work closely with officers, allowing us to track down fish and wildlife law violators.”