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FWC to answer questions on Bear Abundance


June 23, 2014


FWC Media Event

Photo opportunity

FWC to answer questions on Bear Abundance study

When: Wednesday, June 25, at 11 a.m.

Where: The FWC’s Ocala Conservation Center and Youth Camp, 7325 NE 170 Ave., Silver Springs, FL 34488, in the Ocala National Forest.

Why: FWC biologists will be on hand to answer questions about the study and demonstrate how bear-hair snares work.

Background: A high-priority action item in the Bear Management Plan is to conduct an abundance study every 10 years. Researchers plan to estimate bear population size and density. The last abundance estimate (approximately 3,000 bears) was done in 2002.


NOTE: FWC summer youth camp will be in operation at this time. FWC staff can be available for tours, photo opportunities and interviews about this program.

Contact: Greg Workman, 352-620-7335